5 Alterations just got easy!

I am  sure, you have probably made a few trips to a tailor in your life to alter a dress or to shorten a pair of pants. (And if you’re petite, this errand is probably one with which you’re extremely familiar.) But these skilled artisans can do so much more than just hike up a hem.


Yusuf Bhai is Head  at Burhan Tailors, an old tailoring shop that literally sews your quality product, so you can check that errand off your list without actually having to run it. He let us in on a few tweaks that will go a long way toward reducing that seldom-worn pile of clothes that just never feel exactly right whenever you try them on.


Altering The Arm


Photo by ansonsaw/Getty Images

While it may seem pretty obvious that you can have your sleeves made slimmer if they’re too big, there are a host of options for sleeves that are too small as well. If your garment is too tight near the armhole, the tailor can drop it to create more room. He can also use the extra fabric allowance in the seam to loosen the arms a bit, or even remove the sleeves completely to transform it into a tank style.




Adding A Zipper

That dress that you always avoid because it’s just too much of a struggle to get into? Your tailor can add a zipper to it—problem solved. For an edgy look, ask for an exposed zipper. Or, if you’d rather not change the appearance of the garment, stick to a hidden side zipper. One small caveat: Because this addition requires a little extra fabric allowance from within the garment, this alteration works best on pieces that are also being taken in. And, of course, your tailor can repair a broken zipper, so you can bring that old skirt back out of retirement.



Removing Pleats

Maybe you’re still holding onto a favorite pair of pants from a few (ok, a lot) of years ago, when pleat-fronts were all the rage. Or maybe they’re a recent purchase but those pleats just aren’t doing great things for your hips. Ask a tailor to take them out entirely, or reconstruct them to create a sleeker, more modern look, and then adjust the front of the pant to lay more smoothly (read: flatteringly).


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